Here is two wheel barrow loads of horse manure from a neighbor
Arrowroot which is going well
Raspberry patch, is looking a bit untidy, but these canes have gone dormant over winter, although they are sending up new suckers which I have been digging up and re-potting.
A couple of the re-potted raspberries
Thornless Blackberry cuttings starting to shoot, and develop lots of roots.
Acacia Argyrophylla
Native garden, including a Quandong which is growing nicely
Some of the self seeded (non) rainbow chard
The orchard area, citrus to the left deciduous to the right
Strawberry patch
Passion fruit vine
Comfrey which something seems to be enjoying, but it will grow quite fast once the warmer spring weather comes.
Rocket which is going to flower. I'm going to let this go to flower and hope that the bees like it.
Orange and Mandarine, starting to put out flowers new leaves
Lemon tree
Soon to be Snow Peas which will climb up the tee-pee, and seedlings of cellary, and kale, with more silverbeet/chard in the background
Raised garden beds with baby spinach, purple broccoli (think I put this in a bit too late) and carrots
New fruit trees from the Rare Fruit Society grafting day. Cherry, Plum, and Apple
More natives planted in the back paddock as a wind break/screen.