After heading to Adelaide for a weekend, two weeks ago, we came back with four 7 week old chickens. We had recently lost another of the four originals, Miss Bossy, which left only two, so while running some errands there, we came across these girls, I had thought of getting three more but there were four there and I couldn't leave just one alone there, so they all came home with us.
They had the delight of coming visiting with us and meeting the family, complete with a short stay in the rabbits cage (with the benefit of being able to eat the rabbits food, scratch in his bedding and drink his water) while he was out exploring the garden, much to his disgust when he arrived back home LOL.
We got home late at night and so put them in the roosting area with the other two with the hope that they would all wake up together and not realise anything had happened. Well that wasnt quite the case, Big Mumma decided she didnt like these little teenagers coming into her home and would chase them away if they came near her, or tried to eat. This meant that during the day they would hide together in the roosting area then at night when we went to check on them they would all be huddled together in a corner of the run, so for a few nights after it was dark and they had settled for the evening, we would pick them up one by one and put them into the roosting area and then go back and check on them to make sure they hadn't been kicked out by the other two. It took a few nights but now they are all putting themselves to bed, and sleeping together.
We had to do something about the feeding situation, so each day after work I would let the older two out, and shoo then out of the roosting area, then lock up the run so the older ones couldnt get back in, (and block of the roosting area so the little ones couldnt go back in there and hide) and let the young ones have free run of the place . As soon as they realised that the older two weren't around they pigged out on the food and water, so I think they were hiding out for most of the day not getting food or water. Now two weeks on, they still get chased but they are getting a lot more confidence even sneaking in with the older two to grab some food, they get their grower pellets in the frypan and the older two get scraps put in another large saucer away from them.
Yesterday I gave them all some kangaroo mince with garlic and an egg mixed with it, half in the scrap container and half in the youngsters frypan, the older two were straight into it, but it took the younger ones a little while to work out that it was tasty. But once they did they were into it, chasing each other if they didn't swallow it straight away, a couple of them even ventured over to the other two and stuck their head in (until they got told of by the crabby old chook) I think they should end up sorting themselves out.
I cant wait until they start laying and we have an abundance of eggs!!!!