Ok well I am still impressed with the new camera. I havent got into playing with it properly yet, just on the auto settings with the two different lenses, and playing around with lighting and angles and that sort of thing

Pomegranate bush has quite a few pomegranates on it and is still continuing to flower

Here is a little pomegranate bush with a flower, amongst the agapanthus

Im not sure exactly what this plant is it might be a Gazinia. What ever it is it grows well here and has lovely bright cheery yellow flowers that brightens up the garden
Someone gave me a pomegranate plant in a pot last Autumn, I am waiting with anticipation to see if it will grow here in London. You have now shown me what I am aiming for - the flowers look pretty!
Yes it is a Gazania, they originate from South African and are wonderfully hardy for our dry conditions.
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