Saturday afternoon at around 4:30pm we were blessed with a lovely constant, drizzling, ground soaking rain which lasted until after it was dark. It was wonderful, and much appreciated by the ground and plants I'm sure, I know the chooks liked drinking it off the top of their food container.
Being such a rare occasion these days we decided to enjoy the moment and took chairs out on the back veranda and relaxed, with a few glasses of red wine, enjoying the coolness the rain brought with it as well as its wonderful smell, and lovely pitter patter sound on the tin roof, and knowing how much it would be appreciated by the garden. All in all a lovely evening.
Only the next morning I found I had been feasted on by Sandflies. Give me mosquitoes any day compared to these buggers, sandfly bites come up the day after your bitten (if not longer) and are what I would describe as violently itchy, the bites I get end up being at least the size of a 5c piece and turn into a horrible red welt, that takes forever to heal (probably not helped by my constant scratching). The best remedy I have found so far is a mix of lavender and patchouli essential oils in jojoba oil, but even this had me waking up every couple of hours, scratching like mad before I was even aware I was doing it.
This is the first time I have been attacked by sandflies at home, mosquitoes lots, but not sandflies, so will be looking into what attracts them and at least trying to discourage them from calling my blood tea, maybe next door's digging and trenching all weekend disturbed them and they came out to get revenge.