Monday, June 14, 2010

New House, New Garden

Ok here is what is sort of classified around here as "My Garden" the fist photo was taken just after we moved in at the start of April and the second photo last week. As you can see we have had a bit of rain and the weeds just love it. I am thinking of turning this area into a bit of an orchard/veggie area, but I am not too sure how harsh it will be in Summer.

This is what I am thinking will be the "Colourful Garden" those standard roses are all different colours, whereas most of the other landscaped areas of the garden are very uniform, both in colours and structure. I am thinking of planting some native bottle brushes along that cream fence and making it more friendly for native birds and insects.

This is one thing off my list, my garden shed!
It's almost 5m x 3m, fantastic size for storing gardening tools, wheel barrow, bags of horse manure, potting mix etc close to where I use them.

I have made a (slight) start to veggies, these are some rainbow chard I planted before the cold weather came in, Perfect timing I think

1 comment:

Matron said...

I find that rainbow chard is just so useful all year round. It stays through Winter and provides a good feed at any time.